The Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
The Hon Clare Scriven MLC
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development
The Hon. Katrine Hildyard MP
Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing
Dear Ministers,
Re: Life Jacket Laws
We write to you as a matter of urgency on behalf of the Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA) and the Boating Industry of Australia (BIA), representing all recreational boating and fishing enthusiasts concerned about the new Life Jacket Laws that came into effect on 1st January 2025. Link to Marine Safety SA
While our industry fully supports the new laws and safety improvements, the recent regulation changes, coupled with an ACCC & Worldwide Product Safety Recall on Inflators, have resulted in a temporary shortage of available life jackets. We anticipate that stock supplies will begin to arrive with suppliers by the beginning of April.
Given these circumstances, AFTA and BIA respectfully request a grace period on penalties related to the new regulations to allow time for the arrival of stock. We are also contacting the federal government and other state governments to request the same grace period.
We urgently await your guidance on this matter.
The Hon. Bob Baldwin
Independent Chair
Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA)
Neil Patchett
General Manager Government & Public Relations
Boating Industry Association Ltd.