Chris Bowen,  Minister for Climate Change and Energy has declared an area in the Indian Ocean off Bunbury, WA that could be developed for offshore renewable energy, including offshore wind.

The declaration of the Bunbury area occurred following consultation with local communities, Australian, WA and local governments, First Nations people and existing industries including shipping, defence, fishing and other marine users.






After considering the submissions and feedback received during the consultation process, the Minister has declared an area that covers 3,995 km2 and:

  • is smaller than originally proposed (approximately half the size)
  • removed more than 60% of area requested by recreational fishers, including Naturaliste Reef
  • is further offshore to minimise visual impact (30 km minimum)
  • allows space for the safe management of shipping
  • is a greater distance from Southern Right Whale migration and breeding areas.

We have published those submissions that opted to be made public on our website.

summary of the consultation process is also available.

You can view an interactive map of the declared area.

This is the first step in a multi-year planning process. There will be further opportunities to provide feedback as we move through the feasibility licence stage and further studies.