Current News
Changes to lifejacket laws in QLD
A lifejacket is a vital piece of safety equipment that could save your life. The best idea is to make sure you wear it. Put the lifejacket on as part of your pre-trip...
CLP Government demands urgent federal action on illegal fishing in NT waters
The CLP Government is urging a stronger federal response to the rise in illegal foreign fishing activity. Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries Gerard Maley called for greater...
Proposed determinations open for comment – Fisheries Scientific Committee
Proposed determinations open for comment - Fisheries Scientific Committee The Fisheries Scientific Committee (FSC) is an independent scientific committee established under Part...
Murray Codference calls for action to address carp problem
The Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) together with 1 million Victorian rec fishers are launching Carpe Diem (seize the day) – to save our native fish and reduce carp numbers....
Bold Vision for Recreational Fishing Research
The RecFishing Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Plan 2024-29 lays out a strategic framework to address the pressing research needs of Australia’s recreational...
Urgent action needed to restore depleted Golden Snapper stocks in NT
The Golden Snapper Stock Assessment report has today been released, revealing sustainability issues with Golden Snapper in the Greater Darwin Region. The report highlights that...
Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Forums
Come along to these relaxed, informative events to meet the people behind the organisations, including those researching and managing your fisheries, all under one roof. You’ll...
Applications for Recreational Fishing Trust Grants Now Open
Would you like to improve recreational fishing in your local area? Applications are now open for funding from the Recreational Fishing Trust for projects that enhance and...
Ramping Up Plans To Open Tarago Reservoir For Fishing
The location of the new boat ramp at Tarago Reservoir has now been finalised, with a site off North Jindivick Road chosen as the Allan Labor Government opens fishing access to...
Fisheries policies review now open for public comment
Two key Australian Government fisheries policies are being reviewed to ensure they continue to support productive and sustainable Australian fisheries in the face of...
Construction Kicks Off On Arcadia Hatchery Expansion
Work has begun to triple the size of the Arcadia Native Fish Hatchery near Shepparton, backed by a $15 million investment from the Allan Labor Government. Minister for Outdoor...
New round of grants to benefit recreational fishing in WA
Fisheries Minister Don Punch has announced today Western Australia's recreational fishers are set to benefit from more than $1.88 million granted to six innovative projects,...
Highlights and challenges for sustainable fisheries
Image: Australian Fishing Zone showing the location of Commonwealth fisheries The annual assessment of Commonwealth fish stocks by ABARES has found that the majority of stocks...
$18 million funding for NSW recreational fishing programs, a win for fishers
The Minns Labor Government has today announced more than $18 million of funding for world-class programs to boost recreational fishing across the State. The Government’s...
Queensland Election – 26 October 2024
With the Queensland Election scheduled for October 26th and Pre-Poll (early voting) starting on Monday, October 14th, AFTA offers recreational fishers an analysis of the actions...
Miles Doing What Matters in QLD: Our plan for Better Boating Camping and Fishing
Premier Steven Miles to boost boating, camping and fishing with $100 million investment. Plan delivers more fish for Moreton Bay weekend family fishing, free annual passes to...
Could a breeding program help Tasmanian sand flathead recover faster?
The Tasmanian Government has invested $1.2 million over the next four years to support the development of a sand flathead stock enhancement program. To guide the program, a...
Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Survey results out now!
Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Survey results out now! The results from the latest survey of recreational fishers by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies have been...
Following the recent declaration of an offshore wind energy (OWE) zone off Bunbury, Recfishwest has written to Commonwealth Minister Chris Bowen to implement clear policy which...
Concerns over Qld FAD removal
Following on from concerns raised by AFTA members about the removal of FAD's, AFTA approached Minister Furner's Office. The following response was received: The Minister has...