Fisheries Queensland has now released its:
Discussion Paper (2), EC Spanish Mackerel Fishery Discussion Paper 2
Consultation Report on the last Discussion Paper EC Spanish Mackerel Fishery Consultation Report
and the Harvest Strategy EC Spanish Mackerel Fishery Harvest Strategy (Consultation Draft)
They are seeking feedback from all stakeholders on final management options to rebuild the Queensland east coast Spanish mackerel fishery to sustainable levels, along with the draft harvest strategy to support the ongoing management of this fish stock.
The fastest and easiest way to provide your feedback is to download the discussion paper and draft harvest strategy from the document library and complete the online survey:
Submissions close midnight, Friday 5 August 2022.
**** Please note, AFTA’s position has not changed on the Spanish Mackerel Issue, please see:
It is time to stand up and take action, so see the AFTA Action Agenda: and contact your local member so that they understand your view!!