Finally, a sensible, proactive approach to SA fishing sustainability
MEDIA RELEASE – 8 May 2020
The Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA) welcome the announcement by Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, Tim Whetstone that $24.5m will be invested in the sustainability of depleted South Australian fish stocks.
AFTA Chair, Bob Baldwin said: “The decision to commence voluntary buybacks of up to 150 commercial longline, line and net fishing licenses, commencing Monday 25 May 2020 is a decision and direction long-awaited by the recreational fishing sector.
“For too long, across many previous parliaments, indecision and inaction are what led to decimation of fish stocks and the introduction of the radical plan for a 4-season closure of the SA Snapper Fishery to 2023.
“It is always welcomed when a Minister delivers on election promises important to the recreational sector. Tim Whetstone has done just that with the reform of the commercial Marine Scalefish Fishery and the long-awaited re-opening of some marine park sanctuary zones for fishing.
“This action plan will deliver benefits not only to sectors of the commercial fishery, but to the recreational fishery and therefore, through flow on effects, the state’s tourism industry, all of which have been recently affected by the COVID-19 restrictions.
“AFTA, as the peak representative recreational fishing body, look forward to working with the SA government and the commercial sector to deliver meaningful outcomes”
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For further comment please call:
The Hon Bob Baldwin
Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA)
Ph: 0419694620