Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) Board Selection Process

Dear Fishing Colleagues,

I am writing to you regarding an invitation from the Fisheries Research & Development Corporation (FRDC) to assist with the 2021 FRDC Board Selection process.

To assist with the process, our sector has been asked to nominate candidates from the recreational fishing industry who are interested in volunteering their expertise and time to assist with the selection process. Nominees will need to be available to participate in the selection, short-listing and interview process between now and the end of May 2021.


The terms of existing Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) Board Directors ends on 31 August 2021. The Hon David Littleproud MP, Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management, has asked Ms. Lindy Hyam, Presiding Member of the FRDC Selection Committee to establish a committee made up of representatives from across the Fishing and Aquaculture Sectors. This committee will work with Ms. Hyam to provide the Minister with a selection of potential candidates to appoint to the FRDC Board.

The Board Selection Committee will comprise of Ms. Hyam and up to four other Australian Fishing & Aquaculture Industry members. Once established, the Board Selection Committee will conduct a selection process and nominate persons to the Minister for appointment as the next FRDC nominated directors.

The Role and Committee Selection Process

When selecting committee members, Ms. Hyam has been asked to consider a diversity of expertise, experience and gender among the nominees to the Board Selection Committee. Committee member nominations will also need to consider the Australian Government’s gender diversity target of women holding 50 per cent of government committee/board appointments.

As the role of the Selection Committee is statutory, proposed selection committee nominees will be required to submit a Private Interests Disclosure (PID) form, together with a current curriculum vitae (CV) for their nomination. I would appreciate if potential nominees for the Selection Committee could arrange for their PID form and CV to be supplied to me with your response email.

Next Steps

If you or any of your colleagues are interested in this vital role to guide the future leadership within the FRDC, please complete the attached PID form and forward your CV to me by 9pm (EST) Saturday 6th March 2021. I will provide your personal CV and PID to Ms. Hyam on Monday 8th March 2021 for her deliberation.

Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or need further clarification. I look forward to receiving your nomination applications.

Kind Regards



Russell Conway
Senior Project Manager
Community Safety Building Authority (CSBA) / Technology Solutions
Department of Justice and Community Safety
Level 7, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 3000
 (03) 8684 0328  |  Mobile: 0419 320 843


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