Mark Sunday 9 October 2022 in your calendar as NSW Gone Fishing Day is on again! 

Fishing clubs are now invited to apply for grants to help run community fishing events and activities in their own local area on NSW Gone Fishing Day – on or around 9 October 2022.

Once again, clubs have two options.

Option 1 – Apply for a Gone Fishing Day package which includes:

  • Rod and reel sets to assist with your fishing event
  • Giveaways / prizes and advisory information for participants in your event

*With this option, there is no need for clubs to enter into a funding agreement with NSW DPI (which is required if option 2 is selected).


Option 2 – Apply for grant funding of up to $2,000
*Clubs must be incorporated to receive funding through a funding agreement with NSW DPI

Please read the fishing package or grant funding guidelines before completing the attached application form and returning to For more information, head to the DPI website.
The closing date for applications is 6 September 2022.

Activities on Gone Fishing Day in NSW are supported by the Recreational Fishing Trusts and NSW DPI.

This is all part of ‘Fish for life – Building a healthy fishing future’.