Dear Mr Prime Minister, (Plus sent to 30 others)

I write to you in my capacity as President of AFTA. (Australian Fishing Trade Association.)

Please find attached a letter I send to you on behalf of the members of the Australian Fishing Trade Association and the customers we service and educate.

The election date is set and we would appreciate your clarification on various matters as outlined attached.

It is potentially a time of confusion and uncertainty.

We would like to share your information clearly to our members and I thank you in advance for your attention, consideration and follow through.

Yours Sincerely

Colin Tannahill



With the Federal State election to be held on the 18thMay 2019, I would ask you to provide your Party’s policy platform that will affect or benefit our members over the next 3 years for their consideration by no later than 10thMay, including, but not limited to:

  • The Commonwealth Marine Park Plan. Please provide a definitive response on the future of the Commonwealth Marine Park Plan which has 8 years to run before review.  This is an issue of major concern to our members and the recreational fishing community.
  • Murray-Darling Basin River System. The recent tragic events in the Murray-Darling Basin River System, in particular the massive fish kills are of concern not just to our AFTA members, but to all fishing people, tourism operators and Basin residents. Pleased provide your plan to address this and mitigate the impact.
  • The Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT). The recreational catch of SBT has come under intense political pressure lately, please detail your plan to protect the rights of recreational fishers to continue to catch the SBT and what restrictions/guidelines will be put into place.
  • Fisheries Research Development Corporation. The FRDC have recommenced a plan to conduct a National Recreational Fishing Survey which the industry supports.   What will your party do to provide a sustainable financial future for the FRDC and its work that benefits both the recreational and commercial sector?
  • Recreational Fishing Community Grants Program. Does your Party have a program to directly target the infrastructure needs of the Recreational Fishers in the community?  If so, please provide details of your program.

We are very keen to see a positive plan that delivers improved recreational fishing opportunities for all people and increases the economic benefit to Australia.