RecFish SA have been advised of plans for an offshore wind generation proposal around Port Macdonnell, SA that requires significant recreational community input.

This may have impact to a range of endangered wildlife and seabirds, disrupt migratory patterns of species such as whales and southern bluefin tuna as well as interfere with crustacean development and spawning.

It is likely significant exclusion zones over productive reef will be imposed, ensuring boats are legislated to avoid the areas claimed for construction. 

We have requested an organisational briefing from the proposing company, and would like to make it clear RecFish SA are taking a strong lead on understanding all risks and plans regarding installations and locations before anything happens.

Please follow the link, register your concern and get involved in signing the petition (1 min.) regarding issues such as these that have huge potential for environmental impact and loss of access if not negotiated through in unity.

It is so important we all stand in unison with industry and peak bodies to address issues such as these.

Please share with anyone who may wish to know more about the project as it evolves or wishes to express their concern.