With only 31 days until the NSW Election and 87 Days until the expected Federal Election, now is the time to fully enact the AFTA Action Agenda to achieve good policy outcomes for our Recreational Fishing industry.
Don’t leave it to others, make sure you have your point of view heard and considered by all political parties, local MP’s & candidates.
If collectively we don’t do that then we cannot expect the government of the day to work with us and to respect our views.
The groups like Get-Up are in the face of MP’s all the time campaigning against our sport, now is the time for action, INDIVIDUAL ACTION, so will you make contact and support your passion.
Action Agenda for Recreational Fishing
Elections are looming in NSW (23rd March 2019) and Federally, (expected to be 18th May 2019)
So we need an Action Agenda for Recreational Fishing, and we must start now, time is of the essence.
If you want to achieve outcomes for our sport of recreational fishing, then the Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA) would respectfully suggest the following strategy be put into place by each and every person to achieve the common outcome.
Please do not leave it to others, you need to do this yourself. The power is in the numbers.
Please note, the Australian Fishing Trade Association (AFTA) does not advocate a vote for any particular political party or individual politician. We simply want the best possible outcome for OUR Recreational Fishing industry.
How to win the argument and points to consider:
- Hit Your Target – Social Media is a great tool for spreading messages and engaging people, but if your intended target, i.e. politicians and political parties, are not in the social media group then your message goes no where except to like minded individuals, and as gratifying as that is, it does nothing to effect change as the message is not received by those who need to hear it most.
- A Clear Message – Whilst the issue of restrictions, lock outs & Marine Park reviews may be and should be important to you, pleased take into account that not every voter or political person shares your opinion. So you need to attract people to your cause. You can only do this is your message is attractive to them, in other words we need to take people on the journey with us, not alienate them. And remember the KIS principle, “Keep It Simple” BTW, profanities and personal attacks turn the majority of people off your message straight away.
- Get Face Time – If you want a politician to take note of your concerns, you must make contact with them at their office, seek an appointment, present your case, be polite and be respectful. Quite often, they have only heard from the other side of the argument. Activist groups such as the Greens, Get-up & CommunityRun are regularly in contact with Politicians pushing an agenda. We need to at least equal that.
- Use Your Voice – If your elected representative wont meet with you, then tell everyone, including the local papers. You can find out your Federal Local Member at https://electorate.aec.gov.au and your NSW State Member at https://roll.elections.nsw.gov.au/areafinder/
- Keep A Record – Make notes of everything that both you and they say and do. If the Local Member does not agree, advise them that you will be making that point public. Local media is often more effective than socialmedia as it’s a bigger audience. Ask them for their response in writing.
- Get Focused – Most important, develop a list of key points you want addressed, e.g. The Port Stephens – Great LakesMarineParkReview,whichisnow5plusyearsoverdue. Lock-Outs,IntroductionofmoreMarineParks. You must research your argument, after all if you are reading this, you know how to use a computer and the internet and keep it factual, not emotional. I know that is hard at times as we become passionate and protective of our sport.
Good Luck and make sure you encourage others to do what you are doing, as the strength of the argument is in the numbers.