TGS is seeking feedback about a three-dimensional (3D) marine seismic survey proposed for the Otway Basin which is located within Commonwealth waters offshore of Victoria and Tasmania. TGS plan to obtain the data to provide a snapshot of what the underlying geophysics of the area looks like.
Key details of the survey include:
- Offshore – the survey boundary is located approximately 48 km from Portland (Vic), 61 km from Warrnambool (Vic), 85 km from Arthur River (Tas), 38 km from King Island (Tas) and 64 km from Robe (SA). This is the maximum area TGS has allowed for as a precaution, although the operation may not extend to this total area.
· Deep – the majority of the survey data will be acquired in a water depth greater than 500 m. Only a single survey line will extend into shallower water depth, which involves only a few hours of acquisition in water depths less than 500 m with a minimum water depth of approximately 115 m.
- Efficient – the proposed operational area covers approximately 55,000 km2 however the actual survey area is yet to be finalised and is likely to be comprised of smaller areas of interest within the operational area.
- Stream-lined equipment and process – one seismic vessel, support vessels and a floating seismic array system to collect the data. The seismic vessel tows the equipment on a pre-planned path so it’s easy to advise other area users of what is happening when with planned lookahead communications distributed 24 hours in advance. There is no permanent or fixed equipment during or following the survey as the entire operation is mobile.
- Temporary – survey is expected to be completed by October 2027 but will only require a maximum of 200 days a year and a total of 400 days within that entire period. TGS has planned a four-year window to provide flexibility for accommodating constraints that may be identified during consultation and operational requirements like vessel/equipment downtime or adverse sea or weather conditions.
- Experience – TGS has a very experienced and technical team to deliver the survey in accordance with best practices, legal obligations and their proposed measures to minimise impact to the marine environment and our affected parties.
Now is the time…
We have already implemented many measures to avoid or minimise relevant person concerns and impacts on the marine environment. We would like to hear from you to ensure we know about your interests or activities that may be affected by the proposed survey. The attached factsheet provides more details to help with initial queries. However, TGS is committed to working with all interested parties to ensure they are heard and kept informed. Please can you reply and advise if you’d like to discuss this further or would like more information, we can arrange an online meeting.
We ask for all comments and replies to be provided to TGS by 31 May 2023, however, please let us know if you need more time.