Are you an AFTA member?

Do you make money from the recreational fishing industry? Show your support by joining your trade association!

Your membership helps us protect fishing’s future and encourage participation in recreational fishing.


Australia’s recreational fishing trade is a great industry we should be proud of and willing to protect. However, AFTA can only continue protecting and promoting our industry if it is supported by the industry, which means through membership and the annual tackle show.




Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Survey results out now!

Tasmanian Recreational Fishing Survey results out now! The results from the latest survey of recreational fishers by the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies have been released.  They include recreational catch numbers for different species as well as...

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Concerns over Qld FAD removal

Following on from concerns raised by AFTA members about the removal of FAD's,  AFTA approached Minister Furner's Office. The following response was received: The Minister has advised that you called to express concerns regarding social media that is suggesting that...

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