We have released South Australia’s first Recreational Boating Safety Strategy 2025–2030.
More boaters, jet ski riders, paddle boarders and other watercraft users are making the most of our State’s coastal and inland waters. Unfortunately, sometimes incidents do occur.
The strategy’s vision is to:
• foster a culture of safety among recreational boaters
• achieve zero fatalities and zero harm to others.
The strategy was informed by two stages of community feedback and details how we will improve safety through five priority areas:
1. Safer boating through education – increasing education opportunities on boating safety for young people, boaters and retailers.
2. Safer boating operation and knowledge – introducing boat licence reforms to encourage safer operation and knowledge.
3. Lifejacket wear and safety equipment review – reviewing requirements for lifejacket wear and safety equipment to make it simpler and safer for all.
4. Safer waterway management – supporting and enforcing safer boating behaviours to help users share the water.
5. Safer boating through technology – using technology to improve boating safety.
Read South Australia’s Recreational Boating Safety Strategy 2025–2030.