Have your say on proposed changes to recreational fishing rules!
NSW DPI is now undertaking community consultation on proposed changes to
recreational fishing rules for Eastern Rock Lobster and Dusky Flathead.
The proposed changes for recreational fishers are:
• Eastern Rock Lobster – an increase in the bag limit from 2 to 3 per person.
• Dusky Flathead – introduction of a slot limit of 36 cm – 70 cm (previously only 1
over 70cm) and reduction in the bag limit from 10 to 5 per person.
The Recreational Fishing NSW Advisory Council, which provides advice to the
Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW on recreational fishing matters, developed
these proposals and supported community consultation being undertaken.
For further information, DPI has published a consultation paper and frequently asked questions, click here.
All recreational fishers and the community are encouraged to have their say via
an online submission form.
The closing date for submissions is 26 November 2021.