AFTA Industry Recognition
~ A celebration of our fishing community ~
In 2017, AFTA introduced the Industry Recognition awards, these awards are simply recognition from the industry of a individual’s significant contribution to the recreational fishing industry.
AFTA would like to congratulate our winners, their contribution to our industry is enormously appreciated.

Todd Young
Young Guns Fishing Adventures
Todd was the first son of a fishing fanatic and his skills soon became evident. Todd, like many of us, developed a serious addiction to all things fishing, and by his late teens, he had secured ANSA, state and national records for both freshwater species and Land-based saltwater fish.
Todd worked at many tackle stores in retail and management roles including; Otto’s Tackle World Drummoyne, Compleat Angler Villawood and Anaconda Stores. Click here to continue reading

Tim Farnell, Brian Marshall, Ashley Ramm
Executive of WARFFA, West Australian Recreational Family Fishing Alliance
Recognition for their incredible efforts in the campaign of awareness against a potential demersal scalefish ban for nine months of the year along much of the WA coast. They were the driving force behind one of the biggest-ever petitions tabled in the WA Parliament. More than 18,000 signatures were put on it by fishers against the State Government’s plans.

Bob Mercer
Retired Managing Director Daiwa Australia
On Bob’s retirement, the AFTA board wishes to recognise his commitment to the recreational fishing tackle industry in his 19-year role as the Managing Director of Daiwa Australia. Here’s to many relaxing fishing days ahead Bob!

Dr Andrew Rowland
CEO RecFishWest
In recognition of Andrew’s work with the WA government during the COVID pandemic, protecting fishing access and securing a $6mil recovery package.

Travis Dowling
CEO Victorian Fisheries Authority
In recognition of VFA’s Target One Million Program. Committing significant dollars to the recreational fishing industry, in the hope to grow participation to one million anglers by 2020.

Steve Gack
Victorian Agent Daiwa Australia
Steve tragically lost his life at the end of 2016 and was remembered for his industry contributions on the night.