Dear Mr Baldwin,

Public consultation on the draft NSW Trawl Whiting Harvest Strategy

I am pleased to inform you that the Commercial Fishing NSW Advisory Council (CommFish
NSW) recommended that the draft NSW Trawl Whiting Harvest Strategy (Harvest Strategy)
should be released for public consultation.

The draft Harvest Strategy is now on the DPI Fisheries website and all interested parties are able to make submissions until 31 October 2021.

The draft Harvest Strategy has been developed by the NSW Trawl Whiting Harvest Strategy
Working Group, a sub-committee of CommFish NSW, engaging fishers and key stakeholders in the design process. It supports the introduction of Multi-Year Total Allowable Catch (MYTAC) determinations and maintaining ongoing monitoring and assessment activities to ensure stock sustainability. It also provides important guidance to all stakeholders on how fishery monitoring, assessment and management for Eastern School Whiting and Stout Whiting may be further improved over time.

The final Harvest Strategy will be provided to the Minister for formal adoption and will improve transparency and certainty in future decision making on Total Allowable Catch determinations for Trawl Whiting in the Ocean Trawl Share Management Fishery.

I look forward to the outcome of the public consultation process.

Yours sincerely

Deputy Director General
DPI Fisheries