Recreational fishing is a huge part of the Territory lifestyle, generating significant economic contributions into the NT economy, as well as providing a wealth of social, cultural, and wellbeing benefits.
The new Recreational Fishing Development Plan (RFDP) has been developed using fresh ideas and is designed to ensure the Territory’s recreational fishing sector will continue to successfully navigate changes, overcome challenges and create opportunities to deliver a strong and sustainable recreational fishing future.
Recently released results from the National Social and Economic Survey of Recreational Fishers 2018-2021 highlighted the importance of recreational fishing in the Territory, with around $270 million contributed to our economy directly and indirectly over the 2018 and 19 financial year.
The NT Government is seeking public feedback on the draft plan via Have Your Say until April 18, before the final version is released later in 2023.
The draft plan illustrates the collective vision of the recreational fishing sector, desired outcomes and a framework that will ensure the Territory enhances the quality of its experiences and opportunities over the next decade, and replaces the previous 10-year plan.
More information about the new plan is available here:
“We want to involve the Territory’s broader recreational fishing community in the development of our plan to grow, guide and enhance the industry over the next decade.”
“The voices of hundreds of recreational fishers have fed into the collaborative process of developing the consultation draft, and we still need to hear from you. So if you love fishing in the NT we hope you can take a moment to have your say and provide feedback to integrate into the final plan.”