AFTA Chair’s Report – April 2024
“From the first AFTA interactions on this issue, the reaction at the ministerial level down through bureaucracy shows AFTA holds a valuable and respected position. (Ben Scullin, CEO, VRFish)”
Following on from the representations made last month by AFTA members Bill Classon (AFN) and AFTA Vice President Billy Parsons (JM Gillies), AFTA worked tirelessly with Ben Scullin, CEO, VRFish and the Recreational Fisheries Minister Dimopoulos to secure a positive result on proposed legislative changes to the Animal Care and Protection Bill.
Had this been left unchecked, changes driven by the RSPCA, the Greens & the Animal Justice Party to implement bans and penalties on recreational fishing in the new Animal Care and Protection Bill would have had major impacts not only on the private sector in recreational fishing but indeed the Governments own “competition” fishing activities such as the Golden Tag competition.
This has now been averted. To quote a letter from Dr Trevor Pisciotta, Executive Director Regulatory Policy & Programs, Animal Welfare Victoria, Agriculture Victoria, Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action:
“It is not the intent of the draft Bill to have any impact on recreational fishing competitions. Releasing an exposure draft of the legislation provides the opportunity for all stakeholders to raise any concerns with the proposed text of the Bill, including where there is a risk of misunderstanding or unintended consequences.”
AFTA has lodged a submission on the government’s ban on blue grouper. AFTA will not rely solely on our submission but will continue our personal engagement program with Minister Moriarty’s office and the NSW DPI Fisheries Department.
AFTA & NSW DPI are encouraging Members and the public to “Have Your Say” on the 12-month trial of rule changes to Eastern Blue Groper. Submissions close at 5pm on the 30th of April 2024.
Also, from the 1st of July 2024, the Department of Regional NSW will be renamed the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. This reflects the twin objectives of growing our primary industries through greater focus on extension services, research and development and supporting regional economic development. See Media Release
Recreational Fishing Consultation Paper
Much work has gone into researching and preparing the AFTA submission to the Qld Government Recreational Fishing “Queensland Consultation Paper” on Crab Pots, Saddletail Snapper, Crimson Snapper & the Black Jewfish fishery.
It is critical we, as the recreational fishing industry, drive the agenda to get the best framework in place that provides both our industry and the environment sustainability benefits going forward.
AFTA remembers the debacle with the QLD black jewfish well, where a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) was provided to the commercial sector, entirely separate from the recreational sector. Yet, once the commercial sector had caught its limit, the government moved to ban the take of black jewfish by recreational fishers. AFTA fought this inequity; as a result, they are now being treated independently. It is also interesting to note that the discussion paper raises the option to increase the bag/boat limit for black jewfish.
The Minister stated he was very keen for rec fishers to have direct input into Queensland’s recreational fishing policy to help shape our sector’s future. With that, the Minister released the Recreational Fishing and a “Have Your Say,” which closes at 5:00pm on the 9th of May 2024.
Please see the AFTA submission here. I personally thank AFTA Directors Kord Luckus (Wilson Fishing) and Ben Scales (Jarvis Walker) for their valuable input to the submission.
Mary River Gillnetting
On a somewhat disappointing note, Fisheries Minister Furner has responded to our request to ban commercial gill netting in the Mary River. With the current (and AFTA supported) closures now being introduced along the Qld East Coast and the Gulf region, this will lead to an increased gill net fishing pressure down south that will affect fish stocks and ultimately their sustainability, not to mention the incidental bycatch and that is not good news for our industry.
Minister Furner said: “The Queensland Government will undertake further studies to identify areas of threatened species protection and management. There are no current plans for the Mary River to be closed to gillnetting by commercial operators outside the Great Sandy Marine Park.”
AFTA will meet with Minister Mark Furner and Shadow Minister for Fisheries, Tony Perret for a proactive recreational fishing policy meeting on the 3rd of May, where we hope to begin shaping recreational fishing policy ahead of the October election.
AFTA Tackle Show Public Day
AFTA has now lodged our submission for Qld Government Sponsorship funding for the AFTA Tackle Show Public Day on the 17th of August. Our target is 5000 registrations; please see the Public Day web page to help promote the day. We proudly announce that Minister Mark Furner will open the Public Day.
Tasmania – The Election Analysis
The outcome of the election is …… a hung Parliament.
Of the 18 seats required to form government, the Liberal Party have won 14 seats, Labor 10 seats, Greens 5 seats, Jackie Lambie Network 3 seats and the Independents 3 seats.
With the support of the Jackie Lambie Network and the Independents, the Liberals, under Leader Jeremy Rockcliffe, have formed a Minority Government, which is quite different to a coalition making a majority government. That means the government has been guaranteed supply but has not supported all legislation.
AFTA welcomes a new Minister, The Hon. Eric Abetz MP, as Minister for Business, Industry and Resources and Minister for Transport. Recreational fishing will come under the Industry & Resources portfolio. Eric Abetz was formerly a Senator for Tasmania, Leader of the Senate, and a distinguished Federal Minister.
AFTA thanks former Minister Jo Campbell for her work on the recreational fishing portfolio.
AFTA also appreciated the outstanding efforts of the Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFISH), who worked up and submitted an election priority manifesto for political parties for consideration. AFTA fully supported the TARFISH policy submission and the TARFISH review of each major party’s policy position for this term of government. Given that it is a hung parliament, our industry can effectively lobby other parties to help bring legislative change that benefits our industry.
Western Australia
Offshore Windfarms
AFTA has genuine and continuing concerns about the impacts on our recreational fishing industry from offshore wind farms, particularly the little details being released with each plan.
It is pleasing to see federal member Andrew Hastie, Member for Canning, launch a petition over community concerns with the Offshore Windfarms and WA Leader of the Opposition, Libby Mettam, taking up the cause on the impacts and concerns over the consultation process.
Libby Mettam has made repeated statements across a broad range of media.
AFTA members are reminded that The WA Offshore Windfarm proposal submissions close on the 3rd of May.
Marine Parks
Members are also reminded of the proposed Southern Marine Park Zones . It is appreciated that with local knowledge, RECFISHWEST has provided some detailed analysis of the proposals and possible measures to mitigate the impact on recreational fishers.
Submissions close on the 16th of June 2024
The government has announced the next stage in the Offshore Windfarms process with the “Public consultation on proposed regulations supporting the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021.”
The purpose is to develop regulations for the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Amendment Regulations 2024. The development of these regulations will determine the “Safety & Protection Zone around the Wind Turbines.
Please consider that close access to wind turbines may benefit some sportfish species. Still, for other species, such as large pelagic fish, it will be a detriment with potential entanglement in the securing cable infrastructure.
AFTA urge members & recreational fishers alike to read the consultation paper and then take the survey. Submit your feedback by 11:59 pm on Sunday the 12th of May 2024
Over the next 18 months, there will be elections in:
The 24th of August 24
Issues to be raised:
- Removal of 14 commercial Barramundi Gill Nets in NT
- Resource sharing – commercial Barramundi 350 – 400t Daly & Roper Rivers
- Recreational angler access to Indigenous held lands
- Golden Snapper
- Black Jewfish
The 26th of October 24
Issues to be raised:
- Removal of Gill Netting on Mary River
- Removal of Gill Nets in the Gulf of Carpentaria
- Removal of Morton Bay Gill Nets
- Spanish Mackerel boat limits
- Snapper fishery bag limits
- Black Jewfish bag limits
- Crab Pot regulations
The 8th of March 25
Issues to be raised:
- Demersal Bans
- Increase in marine park areas.
- The ban on ALL wire traces from shore between Mandurah and Two Rocks
- State government support for Offshore Windfarms
May 2025
Issues to be raised:
- Offshore Windfarms
- Importation of green prawns and white spot disease
- Actions to address microplastics in the ocean
- Banning the importation of Crab Pots that don’t comply with Australia-wide state legislation
It is critical for the future of the recreational fishing industry that you, as locals, contact your local members and raise local concerns. Please advise me of your concerns, and we will add it to the list.
From my experience, not many politicians and even less Ministers fish, so to assume they understand what is happening out there that impacts our trade is a little unrealistic.
Invite them to your facility so they can see and understand time is of the essence, as all future policies and budget considerations are made well ahead of the due date.
Tight Lines & Full Tills